Woody Harrelson Has A Message The Entire World Needs To Hear

I strongly believe that the majority of the human race would choose clean drinking water, natural farming practices, ethical treatment of animals, fair wages and labor practices, and green and sustainable products — any option which harms neither the planet nor the beings dwelling upon it — if they felt they had a choice in the matter. The good news? You do have a choice. You have the ability to support and promote the type of world you want to live in, right now, at this moment. Every single time you spend money you are casting a vote for the type of world you want to live in. A few weeks ago, Woody Harrelson released a video explaining just why we should support the products and companies which resonate with our values and the planet, using his significant celebrity to share this message with the general public — a message which many people might not have heard otherwise. Here’s what Woody had to say… A Message From Woody Harrelson As he says in the video, there really is no goo...