I dare you to watch this video

Over the past 12 years of publishing Alternatives Magazine I've read and featured a lot of articles about carnages, disasters and WTF moments. BUT I've never seen anything like this.

I recently subscribed to a newsletter called "Veganuary." Yes, it's about being a vegetarian. I've been a meat eater most of my life but thought I would check out vegetarianism, given the horror stories I've been reading about our meat processing and factory farmed food. 

However, I never expected to see what I saw on this video. If you watch it and last through the first 5 minutes without having some abnormal body trauma you would have lasted longer than I did. 

It's a 2-hour documentary (I plan to watch it in small doses). It's not for the faint of heart. It's called Dominion  https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch


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