If you Aren't Filtering Your Water, You're Committing Chemical Suicide

Chromium-6 Was Just Found in 75% of Drinking Water... The Mass Chemical Suicide of America is Under Way

A review of government water analysis by an Environmental Working Group study reveals that 75% of drinking water in America is contaminated with cancer-causing hexavalent chromium - also known as chromium-6)

 In a report that has been widely publicized , EWG warns that 200 million Americans are currently being exposed to this toxic chemical in their water.

 What is Chromium-6?

Chromium-6 or hexavalent chromium, is used in industrial operations such as chrome plating and the manufacturing of plastics and dyes.

It has been linked to liver and kidney damage in animals as well as to leukemia, stomach cancer, and other cancers. Hexavalent Chromium has been found in the tap water of thirty-one out of thirty-five cities sampled.

Of these cities, twenty-five had levels that exceeded safety standards. Sadly, even if your water is not contaminated with any of these substances, it may still be unsafe to drink.

America's Infrastructure Collapsing Into Third World Status

The deliberate poisoning of public water systems with fluoride, a neurotoxic chemical purchased in bulk from Chinese chemical plants (or sometimes acquired as a waste product from fertilizer manufacturing factories) is another systematic approach by the powers that be to cause havok upon the population.

With the claim that the nation is fluoride deficient, they blissfully pump our water supplies full of the chemical-- a completely false and highly irresponsible claim.

In reality, many children suffer from fluorosis, a dark mottling and discoloration of the teeth caused by too much exposure to toxic fluoride.

Avoid fluoride. A highly toxic metal, fluoride accumulates in certain areas of the brain (the pineal gland and hippocampus) and has been shown to significantly lower IQ and interfere with memory and complex brain functions. Studies have shown that even concentrations of 0.5 parts per million (ppm) can damage cells and microvessels in the brain. Yet, 60 percent of our public drinking water is fluorinated at higher levels of 1 to 1.3 ppm.

What's astonishing in all this is just how quickly America's infrastructure is collapsing into "Third World" status under the rule of a corrupt political establishment. The education system has become nothing more than a propaganda indoctrination system; the food supply is inundated with unlabeled GMOs and toxic herbicides like glyphosate; and now the water is too toxic to drink almost everywhere.

From the EWG report:

The California scientists based their public health goal of 0.02 parts per billion solely on protecting people from cancer and other diseases. Public health goals are not legally enforceable, but legal limits are supposed to be set as close as possible to health goals while considering cost and technical feasibility.But the California Department of Public Health relied on a flawed analysis that exaggerated the cost of treatment and undervalued the benefits of stricter regulation, and adopted a legally enforceable limit of 10 parts per billion.

But, wait... according to the lunatics selling contaminated "superfoods," chromium-6 is all just fine because it's "naturally occurring"...

There also exists some highly unethical superfood / raw foods companies that claim eating heavy metals is actually GOOD for you as "lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium are all naturally occurring."

Well then, according to the EPA, chromium-6 causes cancer and it's also "naturally occurring." I guess that means you're supposed to drink more, right? From the EPA website:

Chromium-6 is naturally occurring in the environment. It's a by-product from the erosion of natural chromium deposits.

It can also be produced by industrial processes. There are demonstrated instances of chromium being released to the environment by leakage, poor storage, or inadequate industrial waste disposal practices.

If you Aren't Filtering Your Water, You're Committing Chemical Suicide

After becoming aware of all the toxic metals and chemicals in the drinking water these days, if you aren't filtering your water with a reputable, lab-verified water filter, you're basically participating in the chemical suicide of humanity.

Reprinted with permission from Organic & Healthy. What do think? Post your comments below.


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