How Nature Can Help Heal

This is a great article from the Dr. Mercola newsletter, August 20, 2016. It explains the difference between those living in large cities and those living in rural environments and the mood and anxiety disorders.  People who grew up in an urban environment may have a greater sensitivity to stress. There's a a wealth of research points to the calming and healing effects of nature on the human body and mind. 

By Dr. Mercola

Living Near Nature May Extend Your Lifespan

In a study that followed more than 100,000 women, those who lived near higher levels of green vegetation had a 12 percent lower rate of non-accidental premature death compared to those living near areas with the least vegetation. Specifically, those living in greener areas had a:

  • 41 percent lower death rate for kidney disease
  • 34 percent lower death rate for respiratory disease
  • 13 percent lower death rate for cancer
The researchers suggested 30 percent of the longevity benefit may be due to nature's beneficial effect on mental health. Increased greenery may also affect lifespan by encouraging increased physical activity and social engagement as well as lowering exposure to air pollution.

Cognitive function may also improve. In a study of 2,600 children between the ages of 7 and 10, those with greater exposure to green spaces, particularly while at school, had improved working memory and decreased inattentiveness. READ ENTIRE ARTICLE >>  Post your comments.


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