We're Starting to Get It . . . .

A record-high 71 percent of Americans consider the environment as one of their top priorities when they shop. 

That's up from 66 percent in 2008. However, almost three-quarters of them wish companies would do a better job helping them understand environmental terms and issues.

In reality, while we all would prefer to buy green products and buy them from greener companies, all things equal, it's hard to know which "purposeful brands" are really getting the job done. As consumers, we don't have enough knowledge readily available to help make meaningful choices. So, we're skeptical and, at times, confused.

Right now, the confusion is preventing progress because everybody can talk about "going green" but no one really knows what anyone is doing specifically. That makes it easy for some companies to not do much. When companies are more transparent, and that information becomes easily available and in one consistent format, consumers can make smarter decisions about which brands and products to support. And, subsequently, that puts a lot of pressure on environmentally inactive corporations and businesses to make a change. It makes going green competitive.

A company's honesty on green issues is also an important factor for consumers: some 69 percent say it's OK if a company is not environmentally perfect as long as it is honest, but 78 percent say they will boycott a product if they discover an environmental claim to be misleading.

This is what Alternatives Magazine is all about. Highlight businesses that actively promote a green, sustainable environment and healthy lifestyle choices -- AND then we take that message to the street -- literally -- through face-to-face business networking, attending festivals and other related LIVE events, as well as using all sources of the electronic media.

We invite you to check out our advertising and marketing plans to see how you can benefit by exposing your 'green side'. Click HERE >


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