
Opinion: America needs to admit it's not 'better than this.' It elected Trump, again.

By Rex Huppke -- a columnist for USA TODAY, I never want to hear the words “America is better than this” again. I never want to be told about America’s better angels. I want honesty. I want an admission of exactly who we are as a country, and let’s be damn clear about that definition: We are a country that just elected – that just willfully chose – one of the most cruel, unscrupulous and transparently self-serving political figures in modern history to be president. Again . We just elected a convicted felon who has normalized bullying, spread hate like an industrial sprinkler and shown us over and over and over again he sees laws as irrelevant and self-enrichment as sacrosanct. Faced with a billowing ocean of red flags – from indictments for trying to overturn the 2020 election to the coddling of dictators who rule enemy nations – a majority of Americans cast their vote for the man who is a totem of the worst in all of us. So spare me the wails of “This isn’t who we are!” I’ve got b...

Why Are We so Sick?

This may help explain why we are so sick. BUY NOW! The Shopping Conspiracy is a documentary on Netflix and YouTube and we encourage everyone to watch it -- just in time for the pollution season. The garbage we've been filtering through our bodies and ultimately dumping into our oceans and landfills is finally catching up with us. The question  Why Are We So Sick?  is not just a rhetorical one but a pressing health inquiry that demands our attention. Recent studies have raised alarming concerns about the prevalence of microplastics in our drinking water and human tissues, including our hearts, brains, and even reproductive organs. The implications are still unclear, leaving doctors and scientists grappling with the potential health threats lurking beneath the surface of our convenience-driven lifestyles. To find answers to why are health is worse than ever, we encourage everyone to watch,  " BUY NOW . . . The Shopping Conspiracy " , just added to  netflix  a...

This is what 2030 could look like if we win the war on climate change

Reprinted from World Economic Forum October 31, 2019 Right now, we are losing the fight against climate change, but this is what climate change could look like, if . . . . . . By 2030, your CO2 emissions will be greatly reduced. Meat on your dinner table will be a rare sight. Water and the air you breathe will be cleaner and nature will be in recovery. The money in your wallet will be spent on being with family and friends, not on buying goods. Saving the climate involves huge change, but it could make us much happier at the same time. Right now, we are losing the fight against climate change – but what would winning look like? What is life like in a green world? Here's one version of a “CO-topia” You walk out of your front door in the morning into a green and liveable city, where concrete has dwindled and green facades and parks are spreading. If you choose to call a car, an algorithm will calculate the smartest route for the vehicle and pick up a few other people on the way. Have...

The Cost of Our Comfort and Convenience

Our insatiable desire for ease and luxury is driving a global crisis in food, water, and climate. We can't simply throw money at the problem and hope it goes away. It's time for us to take responsibility for our actions and make real changes in our daily lives. We must reduce our carbon footprint, use resources more responsibly, and prioritize sustainability. The cost of our comfort and convenience is too high to ignore any longer. In the United States, depending on where you live, everything is dropped in your lap. Food can be quickly acquired by shouting your order into a microphone and driving around a building, all without you having to leave your car. And if you live in a larger town or city, with the advent of services like GrubHub and DoorDash, the food delivered to your home is no longer the domain of pizza chains. You can have your choice of practically any restaurant in town brought right to your door within 45 minutes. But it isn’t just about food. Instacart offers p...

We the People - Suck

It is no secret that America is a wealthy nation, but it's alarming to learn that we rank dead last in healthcare among developed countries. Not only that, but we also have the highest rates of cancer, heart disease, obesity, alcohol and drug use. Prescription drug addiction is rampant, affecting millions of Americans.  To make matters worse, almost 49 million people in our country are living in poverty and struggling to put food on the table, yet we waste an astonishing $165 billion worth of food every year. Our food supply is also contaminated with pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and toxic chemicals, which are spreading chaos worldwide and disrupting our immune systems. This is a wake-up call to action.  It's time for us to take responsibility for our health and the health of our planet. We must demand change from our government, our healthcare system, and our food industry to ensure a better future for ourselves and generations to come.

Corporate greenwashing

We often hear corporate politicians making grand statements about their efforts to end climate change. However, it is disheartening to see that most of it is just greenwashing. But let's not forget, they are not the only problem. We, the people, keep electing incompetent, self-serving, privileged bureaucrats and fail to hold them accountable. It's time to take responsibility for our role in causing climate change and demand action from our elected officials. We can't keep pointing fingers, it's time to hold ourselves accountable. It is a common claim among marketing companies and corporations that they are concerned about the environment. However, if this were truly the case, they would make it their priority to do everything they can to fulfil all their claims starting by eliminating all needless packaging and work with  every supermarket and big box store to  provide state-of-the-art recycling centers and make them as convenient to use as finding cases of disposabl...

MY TAKE: It's time to rethink how we elect our leaders

It is no secret that politicians are often influenced by big businesses and their agendas. The sad truth is that they often prioritize their own interests over those of the people they represent. The media also plays a role in this corruption by pushing certain narratives and agendas that align with the interests of big businesses. As a result, the true issues facing our country are often overshadowed by irrelevant distractions. How about ALL MONEY out of politics Unfortunately, the recent political climate has only inflamed this issue. With the rise of politicians like Donald Trump, who prioritize sensationalism and lies over real issues, it has become even more difficult to have productive conversations about the problems our country faces. We must recognize the influence of big businesses on our political system and work to hold our leaders accountable for their actions. Only then can we hope to create a government that truly serves the needs of the people. It seems like everyone is...